Earthing Strips

Buy Earthing Strips online at Prabha Power
Best of Earthing Strips at Prabha Power for Power Transmission
Get genuine power transmission power system earthing strips at Best Price at Prabha Power, a unit of Prabha and Associates.GI Earthing Strip is a conventional method for providing earthing to the various areas like industrial, residential, commercial, etc. These products are usually used for providing a stable platform for operation of sensitive equipment. Galvanized iron is used for manufacturing this Earthing strip.
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Buy High Quality Earthing Strips at Prabha Power
Earthing strips may be placed together with underground cables in cable Trench, but the heat from the cable must not be able to dry out the soil. Earth conductors in trenches having power or multi-core cables should be fixed to the walls near the top (for example, 100 mm from the top). Why use Earthing strip in the power transmission power system? Know the major advantage of earthing strip.
- Durability significantly increases
- Great adaptability
- Great reliability
- Enhanced safety
- Maintenance is easy