Prabha Power

Solar Street Lights



Buy Best Quality Solar Street Lights in Guwahati

Prabha Power delivers high-quality solar street lights to help communities harness clean, renewable energy from the sun. Our innovative street lighting solutions provide an efficient, cost-effective way to illuminate public spaces while reducing your carbon footprint.

Solar Street Lights are a cornerstone of our sustainable energy product line. These advanced photovoltaic systems convert sunlight into brilliant, long-lasting illumination, ensuring your streets, parks, and community areas are well-lit in an eco-friendly manner.

At Prabha Power, we understand the importance of reliable, affordable solar lighting. Our solar street lights check all the boxes – optimised for performance, durability, and energy efficiency. With easy installation, low maintenance, and significant cost savings over traditional lighting, we’re committed to brightening your community’s future, one sun-powered light at a time.

Explore All Our Renewable Solar Street Lights Accessories

Aggregators And Providers Of Products & Solutions For Transmission And Distribution Line Projects

Buy All-in-One Solar Street Light in Guwahati

All-in-One Solar Street Light

Buy All-in-Two Solar Street Light in Guwahati

All-in-Two Solar Street Light

Buy Split Solar Street Light in Guwahati

Split Solar Street Light

Buy Solar Panel in Guwahati

Solar Panel

Buy Solar Storage Battery in Guwahati

Solar Battery

Prabha power solar LED Light

Solar LED Light

Prabha power Charge Controller

Charge Controller


Buy High-Quality Solar Street Lights at Prabha Power

At Prabha Power, we offer a diverse range of high-quality solar street lights to illuminate your community with renewable energy from the sun. Our top solar street light options include:

  • All-in-One Solar Street Light: These compact, integrated units combine solar panels, batteries, and LED lights in a single, sleek design. Perfect for quick installation and minimal maintenance, they’re ideal for parks, walkways, and residential areas.
  • All-in-Two Solar Street Light: With separate solar panel and LED light components, these lights offer more flexibility in placement. The detached panel can be angled for optimal sun exposure, making them great for areas with varying sunlight conditions.
  • Split Solar Street Light: Our most versatile option, these lights have three separate components: solar panel, battery, and LED light. This design allows for customised placement of each part, making them perfect for complex installations or areas with specific lighting needs.

Our solar street lights are expertly engineered using advanced materials for peak performance and longevity, offering these key benefits:

  • Reduce municipal electricity bills by generating free solar power.
  • Lower your community’s carbon footprint and increase sustainability.
  • Get affordable, clean lighting for your streets, parks, and public spaces for decades.
  • Solar-powered lights require minimal maintenance, saving on operational costs.
  • Utilise existing street poles or install new ones without complex wiring.

Prabha Power offers a wide variety of solar street lights sized and designed to perfectly meet your community’s lighting needs. As a leading solar street lights supplier in Guwahati, we have the expertise to help select the ideal solar lighting system for your streets, ensuring safety and vibrancy day and night.

Brighten your community with Prabha Power’s high-efficiency solar street lights. Our quality lights make switching to renewable, reliable public lighting easy and affordable. 

Contact us today to learn more about our solar street lighting solutions. We’re excited to help you harness the sun’s power to light up your streets.