Earthing Plates

Buy Earthing Plates online at Prabha Power
Best of Earthing Plates at Prabha Power for Power Transmission
Gets genuine power transmission power system earthing plates at Best Price at Prabha Power, a unit of Prabha and Associates. Earthing plate is a plate made up of galvanized copper or iron is buried vertically at a depth of not less than 3m from ground level. Earthing Plates are used in power stations, transmission lines, large electrical panels, high voltage transformers, where the amount of fault current is very high. Also, the earthing plate helps to connect more number of ground wires or earth wires from different loads.
Explore best of Our Earthing Products
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Buy High Quality Earthing Plate at Prabha Power
Why use Earthing plates in the power transmission power system? Know the major advantage of earthing plate. The main advantage of earthing plate is, it can carry a very high current than rod earthing. Also, it provides a very good conductivity between earthing conductors and the ground. Buy unmixed earthing plate at Prabha Power. It offers original Earthing plates at the best price.